31st Annual Backcountry Benefit - September 12th - Tickets Available Here!

Observation: Emma Ridges

Observation Date
Observer Name
Jen S
Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » Emma Ridges
Location Name or Route
Emma Ridge
Red Flags
Red Flags
Heavy Snowfall
Rapid Warming
Poor Snowpack Structure
Skied West Bowl from the lower point at the top of Emma Rodge and headed back to LCC just before noon to beat the warm.
There was about 4-5 omches of fluff-turned warm pow on top of very saturated layer of grey soaked old snow. No crust. The new snow was not coheaive itself but also not well bomded to the grey wet layer. We were able to touch off lots of slow-moving sloughs that entrained more of that top layer as it moved.
We were picking our way down shallow slopes, but in steeper terrain this could knock you down and depending on what's downslope you might have a bad time whether you pizza or French fry.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating